Umbral Blade 2: Mournstead

I’m getting close!

I know there’s been a long wait since Shadowlith came out. Quite a few years, actually. Originally, I just didn’t know where I wanted to go with book 2. I wrote myself into a bit of a complex corner. Oops.

But that’s behind me now! I’ve moved past the blocks, and the book is coming along nicely.

So when will it be done???

I DON’T KNOW! Soon, I hope. I’m sitting just shy of 50k words right now. I’m planning on this book being just a tad bit longer than book 1, so maybe 75k - 90k. We’ll see when I get there. In all honesty, I really hope to have it at least in edits by the summer. That’s rapidly approaching. I think I can do it.

Anyway, that’s the update. Sorry for the delay!

Oh, and I’m planning on releasing a really cool combined duology edition as well. Maybe a hardback? I don’t know yet.